
The Solid Waste subcommittee is focused on reducing the overall amount of waste produced in the town of Norwood.


  • Short Term:
    • Compile resources for Norwood residents about waste disposal options
    • Compile statistics about amount of trash/recycling over last few years
    • Increase public awareness of existing waste diversion options. 
  • Medium
    • Compile resources and information and documentation from nearby towns about single use plastic bans
    • Ban plastic bags and polystyrene in Norwood and promote sustainable/reusable packaging options. 
  • Long Term
    • Reduce solid waste generation by 30% by 2030, including textiles, junk mail, and food scraps. 
    • Norwood achieves zero waste by 2050. 
    • Norwood creates a circular economy through creative solutions for production, consumption, and waste management.

Resources/links for the community (things you would like to share with Norwood residents):

Action Items Norwood Residents can take related to your subcommittee:
