
What is Protected

What is Protected?

The following Resource Areas are protected:
- Land under water bodies
- Banks of water bodies
- Vegetated wetlands with the presence of at least 50% of wetland vegetation
- Land periodically flooded by overflow from a water body or from runoff across the land
- Riverfront Areas (a 200-foot riparian zone from each side of the river's annual high water mark)

Am I Altering a Wetland or Riverfront Area?
State and local laws regulate all activities that involve the filling, dredging, excavating or altering of Resource Areas in or near a wetland or water body. 

This typically includes:
- Virtually any construction activity including everything from minor site preparation to large land altering development.
- Activities within the Resource area such as tree and bush removal, pruning, and the removal of naturally occurring vegetation.
- The changing of land contours, grading, or any alterations of slope.

How do I Work in the Resource and Riverfront Areas?
A "Notice of Intent" must be filed for work in any Resource Area. The form requires a detailed description of the planned activity. The applicant must show that if the Resource Area will be altered, the benefits will outweigh the damage. The Conservation Commission will then issue an "Order of Conditions", requiring adherence to the established performance standards. 

Those seeking to develop or alter land within the "Riverfront Area" must also seek an Order of Conditions from the Norwood Conservation Commission.