
Capital Outlay Committee

Capital Outlay Committee Members

Voting Members

Member Appointing Authority
Robert Donnelly, Chair Board of Selectmen
Kevin Connolly, Vice Chair Moderator
Sarah Sullivan, Clerk Moderator
Gerry Miller Moderator
Tim McDonough Board of Assessors
Ernie Paciorkowski Planning Board
Anne Marie Mazzola School Committee
Anne Marie Haley Finance Commission
Eric Fleming Moderator

Ex- Officio Members

Member Title
Tony Mazzucco General Manager
Jeffrey O'Neill Finance Director/Town Accountant
Alex Haggerty Town Treasurer
Clayton Cheever Library Director

About the Capital Outlay Committee

Annually department and division heads submit capital requests to the General Manager's office who compiles the Capital Improvement Plan on behalf of the Capital Outlay Committee.  Once assembled, the completed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is delivered to the Capital Outlay Committee.  The Capital Outlay Committee then meets and deliberates on merits of each project and makes recommendations as to which projects should be funded in the upcoming budget year.
Ultimately, the decisions as to what projects are or are not funded are made by Town Meeting and are subject to appropriation.  The Capital Outlay Committee's recommendations are taken into consideration by the Board of Selectmen, the Finance Commission and of course Town Meeting.