
Find Treatment

183_Sad-borderline-personality-disorder-Woman-In-Depression-And-Despai-63903205The Norwood Police Department is committed to ensuring the community we serve has proper access to resources which may help an individual suffering from a substance abuse problem. In addition to the information provided below, our doors are open 24/7 and our officers are trained in assisting those in need as well as their families.

Find Treatment:

The Norwood Police Department encourages people who have become addicted to seek treatment. The best way is to discuss the issue with your doctor.

To find treatment on your own, use the services of the Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services. You can call 800-327-5050 or use the online tool at
Involuntary Commitment For Substance Abuse:

Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 123, Section 35 permits the courts to involuntarily commit someone whose alcohol or drug use puts themselves or others at risk. Such a commitment can lead to an inpatient substance abuse treatment for a period of up to 90 days.

For information on having an individual committed to treatment under Section 35 please click here.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Search