
Available Sites and Buildings

Available Sites and Buildings Database
The Economic Development Department database of available sites and buildings can be accessed by clicking this link: Available Sites and Buildings in Norwood, MA. Property owners and brokers interested in having their buildings and sites listed on the Town's database should contact Joe Collins

Site Readiness Program
The Site Readiness program, administered by MassDevelopment, aims to increase the Commonwealth’s inventory of large, well-located, project-ready sites; to accelerate private-sector investment in industrial, commercial, and mixed-use projects. MassDevelopment provides grant funding for demolition, site concept plans, site market studies, construction of site-related tasks, pro-forma development, and much more. Click on the following to learn more about applying: MASSDEVELOPMENT'S SITE READINESS PROGRAM.

Interested in applying but not sure how to get started? Contact Joe Collins for assistance with the grant application.